Tabadul TV

Paris hosts talks between Al-Haddad, Al-Nadhouri and the 5+5 Joint Committee to unify the military establishment and establish stability in Libya

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement revealing that Paris hosted meetings yesterday and today for Libya’s Chiefs of Staff, Mohamed Al-Haddad and Abdul Razeq Al-Nadhouri, along with officers from the 5+5 Joint Military Committee. The discussions aimed to address the unification of military institutions and promote stability in the country while fully respecting Libyan sovereignty.

The ministry emphasized that these meetings are part of France’s support for dialogue among security stakeholders in Libya and the efforts achieved within the framework of the UN-led Security Working Group. France reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the UN and the security initiatives that bring together all Libyan stakeholders, aiming to establish joint units to secure the Libyan borders, counter terrorism, and combat destabilizing foreign interference.

These efforts will continue within the framework of the Security Working Group, with the next meeting scheduled to take place in Benghazi on the upcoming Tuesday, under the auspices of the United Nations.

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