Tabadul TV

Exclusive: Our source reveals a review of the Libyan Budget Expenditure of 2022 to increase transparency and accountability in Libya

Our source obtained a review of the Libyan Budget Expenditure of 2022 published by the Central Bank of Libya, where the Government of National Unity spending patterns are examined and analyzed according to general and sectoral levels.

The Review revealed that fuel subsidies have been relocated outside of the official budget, that two-thirds of the budget was spent on salaries and subsidies, and that the month of December 2022 marked a substantial escalation in both total expenditures and revenue.

On a sectoral level, expenditure on security is substantial, unprecedented increase in social protection, government priorities are misguided, misaligned priorities become particularly evident in the health sector, where the issue of cancer has reached alarming levels in Libya in recent years, without clear understanding of its root causes, and certain allocations made to the Prime Minister’s office have raised significant concerns regarding financial controls.

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