Tabadul TV

Al-Kabeer’s Decision: Formation of Central Bank and Banking Sector Response and Emergency Team

CBL reveals foreign exchange deficit

Today, Tuesday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Seddiq Al-Kabeer, held the second emergency meeting of the Supreme Committee for Managing the Crisis resulting from the storm that struck Libya’s cities in the eastern region, in the presence of Marai Al-Barasi, the Deputy Governor (via Zoom) and a number of officials and advisors at the Central Bank.

The repercussions of the crisis and the role of the Central Bank and the banking sector in contributing to reduce the suffering of citizens affected by the storm disaster were discussed. The attendees reviewed the measures that must be taken in both the immediate and short term and the medium term to address the effects of this crisis that has struck our country and harmed the lives, homes and property of citizens.

For his part, the Governor issued his decision to form a response and emergency team from the Central Bank and the banking sector, headed by the Deputy Governor and the membership of a number of department directors at the Central Bank and some heads of the boards of directors of banks, and that the team be in permanent and continuous session.

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