Tabadul TV

Al-Kilani and Al-Abed sign a joint cooperation agreement to support people with disabilities and productive families

The Minister of Social Affairs in the Government of National Unity, Wafa Al-Kilani, signed a joint cooperation agreement with the Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation, Ali Al-Abed, to support people with disabilities and productive families. This joint agreement between the two ministries aims to raise the level of services for people with disabilities and productive families and support them in order to improve their income and provide for their needs.

The Ministry of Social Affairs provides psychological and social support to groups that are integrated into the labor market, through the administrative units of the Ministry.

The Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation undertakes, in coordination with the Productive Family Authority affiliated to the Ministry of Social Affairs, to prepare and implement training plans for productive families in municipalities through the training centers affiliated with the Ministry of Labor.

This agreement came to enhance cooperation between the Ministries of Social Affairs and of Labor and Rehabilitation in all fields, in addition to strengthening and enhancing cooperation between them on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, and this comes according to the available capabilities.

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