Tabadul TV

Al-Abed: We have formed a special committee to grant concessions and support the private sector

The Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation, Ali Al-Abed, said that the Ministry of Labor and Civil Service organized the framework of the state’s administrative authority and released salaries and staffing, in addition to re-forming the Financial Releases Committee to consider the objectives of the requests submitted by employees who worked for years, and to reviewing all previous appointments decisions, whether they were From the Libyan Interim Government, the Libyan Transitional Government, or the Government of National Accord, and received by the formed committee for review and audit.

Al-Abed confirmed that the ministry had formed a special committee to grant concessions and support the private sector to reduce the large number of public sector employees. The Ministry of Administrative Affairs established departments in all organizational structures of the state, with the presence of large numbers of recruits demanding their suspended salaries from 2012 and 2014, and the government is responsible for applying the correct law towards them.

Al-Abed explained that a committee had been set up to follow up 150,000 employees in Fayyad Al-Malik to re-coordinate the accountability of their salaries and their resignations.

A committee was formed to review the staffing and job description, and the Audit Bureau addressed us with a communication from Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, to set a date for holding a meeting for joint cooperation between the regulatory bodies and the executive authority represented in the rights of national unity government and the Audit Bureau.

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