Tabadul TV

The media office of the Libyan government to our source: “Bashagha will be among the attendees tomorrow at the meeting called by Aqila Saleh”

The Libyan Interior Minister, Fathi Bashagha

The media office of the Libyan Prime Minister, Fathi Bashagha, confirmed today, Monday, in an exclusive statement to our source the presence of the Libyan Prime Minister-designate by the House of Representatives tomorrow, Tuesday, for the meeting called by the Speaker of the Council in the city of Sirte.

Last week, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aqila Saleh, invited the Libyan Prime Minister, the Head of the Audit Bureau, the Chairman of the Administrative Control Authority, the Chairman of the Finance and Planning Committee of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Finance and Planning of the Libyan Government, and the Head of the Anti-Corruption Authority, for an emergency meeting at the Parliament’s headquarters in Sirte.

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