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UN Mission: “We Regret That the House of Representatives and the High Council of State Representatives Have Not Reached an Agreement on the Central Bank”

The United Nations Mission expressed regret in its statement regarding the consultations on the Central Bank, noting that the representatives of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State have not yet reached a final agreement. The Mission welcomes the principles, standards, and timelines that should govern the transitional period leading to the appointment of a new governor and board of the Central Bank.

The Mission urged the parties to prioritize the supreme interest of Libya and remove the Central Bank from political conflicts, reiterating that unilateral decisions taken by various parties across the country could undermine trust among political and security actors and entrench institutional divisions.

The Mission added that meaningful and inclusive dialogue remains the only way to achieve consensus among Libyans, break the cycle of transitional phases, and bring Libya to sustainable peace and stability.

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