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The Minister of Economy discusses increasing the strategic stock of bakery flour

The Minister of Economy and Trade, Muhammad al-Huwaij, discussed ways to increase the strategic stock of bakery flour, and followed up the process of distributing flour to bakeries and the progress of production operations in flour companies and factories.

This came during a meeting held by the Minister today, Tuesday, with the General Director of the Economic and Social Development Fund, the General Director of the National Company for Mills and Feed and the directors of the departments of internal trade, studies, economic reforms, inspection, consumer protection and legal affairs in the ministry, in which he reviewed the organization of supply operations for bakery flour and the strategic stock available from them.

Al-Huwaij stressed the need to follow up on the implementation of the flour distribution mechanism, ensure its flow in the local market, and arrest violators in coordination with the Municipal Guard, as it is one of the pillars of food security for the citizen, and raise the level of the strategic stockpile by importing bakery flour shipments and distributing it in all regions.

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