Tabadul TV

The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the Libyan economy, commodity prices, and the unification of the two Central Bank poles are the focus of the Al-Kabeer discussion with the Atlantic Council

Yesterday Thursday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Siddiq Al-Kabeer, discussed with the Atlantic Council, in the presence of a group of political leaders in the world, ambassadors, media professionals and international experts in the political, economic and financial fields, and those interested in Libyan affairs, the developments of the political, economic and financial conditions in Libya.

Al-Kabeer also discussed the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the global economic situation and its effects on the Libyan economy and the supply and prices of goods and food in the international market.

The governor tackled moving the wheel of the Libyan economy, the return of foreign companies to Libya, the efforts of the Central Bank of Libya to ensure financial and monetary stability, and the plan to unify the Central Bank of Libya.

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