Tabadul TV

The head of the Audit Bureau is discussing with the Minister of Finance the financial releases

The President of the State Audit Bureau, Khaled Shakshak, met today, Tuesday, with the Minister of Finance, Khaled Al-Mabrouk, to discuss several issues of common interest.

The financial releases of late salaries, accounting settlements, the state’s final account, follow-up of agreements and foreign loans were also discussed, in addition to discussing the Bureau’s observations on the results of following up the implementation of public spending for the year 2022 and the first half of the year 2023, and standing on the performance of the various departments in the Ministry of Finance.

The attendees were also briefed on the file of the general bid for medicines, allocations for treatment inside and outside the country, and improvement of treatment services, in addition to the cases file, in the framework of ensuring the availability of the necessary allocations to cover them and refer them to the concerned authorities for their implementation.

For his part, Shakshak stressed his keenness to follow up the file of releases as it is an entitlement that must be paid to a segment that is not simple from public sector employees, stressing the need to expedite the issuance processes in a way that does not affect the quality of the review and open the way for different sectors for the rapid circulation of data and documents.

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