Tabadul TV

The Finance Report of the National Unity Government clarifies details about subsidies that amounted to more than 12 billion

The Ministry of Finance of the National Unity Government revealed from January 1st, 2022 to June 30, 2022 that the total value of the support amounted to 12.787 billion dinars.

The total support for medicines amounted to about 1.179 billion dinars, support for electricity and public administration reached 612,500 million, support for public cleansing reached about 323.676 million dinars, support for water and sanitation amounted to 115 million dinars, and support for fuel amounted to 4.990 billion dinars, in addition to the grant for the wife and children that reached about 4.666 billion dinars, and the Marriage Support Fund that amounted to 1 billion dinars.

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