The Deputy Prime Minister of the Libyan government issues a decision to define a committee to follow up on health services in the eastern region

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Libyan government assigned by the House of Representatives, Fradj Ibrahim Al-Qatrani, issued Resolution No. 9 for the year of 2022 regarding the formation of a committee and determining its tasks.
The decision stipulated the formation of a committee of specialists to follow up health services in the eastern region, in the following manner: Hassan Ayad as president, Muhammad Ali Al-Toumi as deputy, Mulhim Al-Darsi as member, Suleiman Omar Chad as member, and Hammam Al-Werfelli as member. The committee also monitors the progress of health services and facilities in the eastern region, and coordination is done with the Minister of Health regarding any financial arrangements such as the issuance and assignments of purchasing or supplying medicines and medical supplies. The tasks of the committee end as soon as the Libyan government receives its tasks unless the Minister of Health issues a decision regarding them.