Tabadul TV

The Central Bank Statement explains what the Public Telecommunications Authority and its affiliates spent

Central Bank Raises Concerns Over Accumulated Debts and Mismanagement of Treatment Expenses
Central Bank of Libya

The Central Bank of Libya revealed its statement, which covers the period from January 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022, about the expenses of the General Authority for Communications and its affiliates.

The total expenditure of the Communications and Informatics Authority amounted to about 7.631 million, and the National Authority for Security and Information Safety spent about 958,114 thousand, as the total total of the authority amounted to about 8.589 million.

Bashagha welcomes attempts to unite state institutions

Amira Cherni

Al-Khums Seaport: 84,200 narcotic pills seized

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Mass graves discovered in Tarhuna

Amira Cherni