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Security Coordination Between Libya and Italy on Voluntary Repatriation of Migrants

The Ministry of Interior of the Interim National Unity Government and its Italian counterpart held security discussions to address the challenges facing the voluntary repatriation of irregular migrants to their home countries.

The Libyan side was represented by the Director of the Passport Investigation Department, while the Italian Ministry of Interior was represented by the delegate responsible for coordination with Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria, according to a statement from the ministry.

Last week, Minister of Interior Emad Al-Tarabulsi, during his chairing of the ministerial meeting of interior ministers participating in the “Mediterranean Migration Forum,” called for support for the specialized agencies of the Ministry of Interior and the Libyan state to combat the phenomenon of irregular migration, which has negatively impacted Libya and destination countries.

During the forum, Al-Tarabulsi noted that the number of migrants in Libya could exceed three million people, especially as around 90,000 to 120,000 migrants enter Libya monthly from the desert.

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