Tabadul TV

Our source: Raied will continue his work as president of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, due to a legal violation in the Federation elections

The Parliament Member, Mohammed Raied confirmed to our source, on Saturday, that the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, instructed the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohamed Al-Huwaij to let Raied continue his work as a president of the Chambers of Commerce Federation, Industry and Agriculture in Libya.

Raied added that this came to remove confusion about holding the elections for the Council of Directors of the Federation, which is considered in violation of the text of the law, referring to the existence of an article in the Federation law confirming that the President is appointed by a decision of the cabinet based on a proposal from the competent minister.

In early December, the Economy and Trade Minister, Mohamed Al-Huwaij, oversaw the elections for the presidency of the directors board of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, where Fathi al-Amin received the majority of votes, outperforming the rest of the candidates.

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