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“Oil fields and ports in Libya must be reopened”

Libya’s House of Representatives along with the High Council of State have issued a joint statement following a meeting between the Heads of HoR and HCS, Hamouda Sayala and Khalid Al Mishri, respectively, who reviewed the latest developments on the frontlines, the HoR said on Facebook today.

The statement called for reopening oil fields and ports and resuming oil exports immediately, holding the parties responsible for the blockade accountable for all the legal and moral ramifications of the issue amid the outbreak of Coronavirus.

“The Central Bank of Libya’s boards should be united as per the regulations and laws in Libya and as per the Libyan Political Agreement. The Central Bank and Presidential Council to open letters of credit system as per the orders of Presidential Council about decreasing the fees on foreign currency transactions.” The statement reads.

It adds that the priority amid the current crisis should go to goods and medicines as well as other needed materials for disinfection and agriculture, calling on the Industry and Economy Ministries to re-prioritize the imported commodities as regards to the market needs.

The statement called on the Central Bank of Libya to provide a weekly report on the foreign currency transactions’ demand rates to the Presidential Council, HoR and the HCS.

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