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‘No time to blame the messenger’ warns UN rights chief, amidst media clampdowns surrounding COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has spawned new threats to press freedom in some countries, according to the UN human rights chief, who declared on Friday that “credible, accurate reporting is a lifeline for all of us”

Against the backdrop of restrictive measures against independent media imposed by several States, as well as the arrest and intimidation of journalists, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, expressed alarm over clampdowns that are stifling the free flow information, vital in getting the COVID-19 under control.

“Some States have used the outbreak of the new coronavirus as a pretext to restrict information and stifle criticism”, she said. “A free media is always essential, but we have never depended on it more than we do during this pandemic, when so many people are isolated and fearing for their health and livelihoods”.

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