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No Coronavirus cases among Libyan nationals

The Libyan Foreign Ministry announced that overseas diplomatic missions had registered no Coronavirus cases among Libyan nationals.

Yesterday, the Deputy Foreign Minister for Technical Issues Mahmoud Al Tellisi said that the announcement after directly contacting heads of missions and the overseas committees concerned with the matter.

The Foreign Ministry said that all the missions reported all their measures including the needed medical assistance to those in need.

It should be noted that Libya’s Foreign Ministry formed a follow-up committee headed by Al Tellisi and Deputy Foreign Minister for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Hamza Al-Oukli in order to confront any possible outbreak of Coronavirus in Libya.

Nevertheless, to help prevent the outbreak of Coronavirus in the country, Al Serraj stated that the government allocated 500 million dinars and pointed out that borders would be closed for three weeks starting March 16.

He also said that the Foreign Ministry will instruct embassies across the world to contact with Libyans and provide assistance as well as medical treatment if needed.

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