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Municipalities reject emergency budgets allocated to them

40 western municipalities in Libya welcomed the anti-Coronavirus emergency budgets allocated to them yesterday by the internationally recognized Libyan government to fight the Coronavirus.

The LYD 75 million emergency budget was distributed to a total of 119 municipalities and local administrations according to population density. They ranged from LYD 5.5 million for the city of Benghazi, LYD 2.6 for Misrata, LYD 2.2 for Hay Al Andalous, LYD 2.1 for Busleem to LYD 119.000 to the smallest municipality.

At least two Municipalities, Tripoli Central and Zuwara, announced that they would not be taking up the Serraj governments allocations.

Hence, Tripoli Central Municipality announced yesterday that the amount was too little and had arrived too late, adding that it was launching a fund-raising campaign and would continue to finance services – as it has been all this time – through donations.

Tripoli Central Municipality added that it was not a Health Ministry and could not be expected to take the work of a health ministry with such a minimal amount.

Zuwara Municipality also rejected the emergency budget allocated to it today and announced that it was setting up a donations fund to deal with the epidemic.

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