During a televised interview for Libyan WTV channel and Tabadul Platform, member of the House of Representatives (HoR), Mohammed Al-Raied, stressed that the reason for the economic devastation is the exchange rate, adding that the existence of two exchange rates has led to significant problems.
In order to eradicate corruption and guarantee the country’s stability, we must eliminate sources of corruption, chief among which is the exchange rate, the customs and taxes.
“After closing the letters of credit system, a great shock has affected the Libyan economy.” Said Al-Raied.
Al-Raied confirmed that there is a gap between the Presidential Council (PC) and the House of Representatives (HoR), calling on the Presidential Council and members of the House of Representatives to sit together so as to consult on the letters of credit system and change the 7 Positions of authority.
He also suggested to put pressure on the Presidential Council and the governor of the Central Bank in order to unify the exchange rate or to set up all purchase fees, including the government’s purchases.