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Mitiga International Airport, Southern Libya receive medical coronavirus aid.

As part of the efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus in libya, the Ministry of Health has sent medical supplies to the city of Sebha including ten mobile isolation rooms fully equipped, 100 oxygen cylinders, a CT-Scan 32 slice, and a FLouroscopy digital ray device.

According to the ministry, this is the second shipment to be dispatched during this month to cities of the southern region.

Moreover, the Ministry of Health said that a Turkish air ambulance aircraft carrying medical supplies needed to tackle the coronavirus pandemic arrived at Mitiga International Airport on Saturday evening.

According to the media office of the Ministry, the plane departed from Istanbul and was basically carrying examination kits.

The head of the office of the undersecretary of health, Mahmoud bin Mahmoud noted that the shipment will be delivered to the Center of Biotechnology Research in Tripoli, for use in conducting daily laboratory tests, for Covid-19 suspected cases.

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