Tabadul TV

Mihirig: “reforms for Libya’s ailing electricity and renewable sector became evident”

In a statement to Sada Economic Newspaper, the former Libyan Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Ali Mihirig, said that the reforms for Libya’s ailing electricity and renewable sector that have been proposed by the state’s Economic Salon are evident.

“The issue of electricity is much talked about only at the height of crises. However, officials, media outlets and citizens forget about it when the weather is mild or when load-shedding phenomenon ends,” he said

“Planning to solve the crisis of electricity and preparing for the summer peak season should be done so early. For instance, we must get ready for 2021 summer from now with highlighting all the possibilities among which  power generation units going out of service,” he added.

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Ahmed Maiteeg discusses the economic situation in Libya

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