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“Libya’s political division affects the overall economic situation”

“Because of the COVID-19 crisis, the majority of traders in the eastern part resort to import foodstuffs and other products from Egypt despite their low quality,” the Chairman of the board of directors of the Tobruk Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture said.

Mohamed Al-Salhin told Sada economic newspaper on Friday that imports from other countries such as Turkey have become extremely difficult in view of the Coronavirus epidemic.

He also noted that the Economic Vision remains ill-defined. For instance, the commercial traffic is almost completely stopped, especially in light of the measures imposed by the security authorities in order to combat Covid-19.

“At this stage, very few options are available for traders in the eastern part of the country and state economic actors, particularly with the continuing coronavirus crisis as well as a political division that dramatically impacts the overall economic situation in Libya,” Al-Salhin said.

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