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Libya: two new Coronavirus cases and a second case of recovery

Libya’s  National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) announced two new Coronavirus cases in Libya, including the first in Benghazi, who – according to eastern officials- was a 55 year-old who had returned from Turkey via Tunisia 21 days ago.

Yesterday, the National Centre for Disease Control stated that it had received a total of 26 samples yesterday, with 25 proving negative. While in  Benghazi, 3 samples were received at Kwafia hospital, and two proved negative. 

The NCDC also claimed that Libya’s second infected patient -announced on 28 March- had made a full recovery. 

In a statement, it explained that “the analyses of the samples of the recovered patient yielded a negative result and the CT scan result also showed respiratory safety.”

This brings the total recovered cases to two , and the total of infected cases to 21.

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