The National Oil Corporation (NOC) estimated the losses resulting from the closure of ports and oil fields since January 17th, at 3,893,213,466 USD. This means the Libyan economy and financial reserves are getting weaker every day due to the blockade.
Total oil production inside Libya is down to 92,731 barrels a day, as of April 1, 2020.
Many NOC facilities were illegally shut-down on 17 January 2020. This resulted in the shutdown of Zawiya refinery, and since then NOC has had to increase its imports of fuels to meet people’s basic needs.
In a statement, NOC has called on all parties within Libya to lift the blockade and re-start oil and gas production, so every Libyan can benefit from a stronger economy and a more steady supply of fuels.
It sould be noted that NOC provides fuels to people in Eastern regions via different ports across the Libyan coastline. However, transportation of fuels into the Southern regions is difficult and intermittent due to the deteriorating security situation.
Some cargo shipments are shared between various ports across the whole Libyan coastline. This is because of low levels of funding given to NOC, and to make sure vessels deliver fuel to all regions.
The “ANWAAR LIBYA” tanker has unloaded part of its gasoline shipment in Tripoli and the rest of the shipment in Benghazi. This demonstrates NOC’s commitment and ongoing efforts to ensure that all regions are supplied with fuel.