Tabadul TV

Libya: oil production losses surpassed $7 bn

The National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced in a statement on Sunday that the losses resulting from forced closure of oil ports and fields by Haftar militias since January 18, amounted to $7.104.931 billion.

L’image contient peut-être : ‎texte qui dit ’‎لوطنيةللئفط 2020 7/ 18/ 7,104,931,676 مليار دولار هو مجموع خسائر الدولة اللييية نتيجة الاقغالات غير القانونية للمنشآت النفطية 183 يوما من الدقفالات غير القانونية‎’‎

Al-Asalah Health Center in Darj reopens after maintenance work

Amira Cherni

Al-Kabeer discusses encouraging American companies and overcoming the difficulties to return to the Libyan market

Amira Cherni

One Year Since The Enforced Disappearance Of Siham Sergewa

Amira Cherni