Tabadul TV

Jan Kubis, Abdullah Al-Lafi meet in Tripoli

The Head of the UN Support Mission (UNSMIL), Jan Kubis, met yesterday with President of the Presidency Council designate Mohamed Menfi and PC member designate Abdullah El Lafi in Tripoli.

Kubis noted Menfi’s commitment to the LPDF Roadmap including the holding of the elections on 24 December 2021, while expressing the UN readiness to provide all needed technical support to the PC designate in the comping phase, especially in reconciliation and transitional justice efforts and the unifications of state institutions.

In the meantime, Menfi stressed the importance of the work to be done in the coming period by the new executive authority, especially the continuation of the military track by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission until it can unify all state institutions in the country.

The meeting has been also attended by the special coordinator of the UNSMIL, Raisedon Zenenga, as well as the humanitarian coordinator of the UNSMIL, Georgette Gagnon.

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