Hammouda: « Williams approval of the postponement of the elections for two years in the parliament session, portends a return to chaos, division and setback ».

The spokesman for the Government of National Unity, Mohamed Hammouda, said today, Thursday, that the government has followed up on the recent statements of the adviser to the General Secretary of the United Nations, Stephanie Williams, which showed a kind of bias that should not affect the efforts of the mission in Libya, and this is reflected on the state of stability in the country.
Hamouda added that Williams’ support for the positions of some parties wishing to postpone the elections and extend themselves by accepting what happened in the last parliament session, to pass a road map in which the elections will be postponed for at least two years, completely contradicts her statements, and the statements of the international community supporting quick elections in Lybia.
He pointed out that such confusion in statements does not help support stability in Libya, and may affect the fueling of the political dispute, and thus portends the return of chaos, division, and reversal of what was achieved in the unification of institutions and the establishment of stability at this stage.
The government spokesman stressed that those grave violations of the terms of the international political agreement, which Ms. Williams was supervising its implementation, should have been more concerned with the integrity and respect of its implementation, and not deal with that deviation that threatens to return the country to division and chaos and make it a reality.