Tabadul TV

General Electricity Company: “Lifting force majeure on oil fields and ports will significantly improve the performance of the electrical network”

The General Electricity Company confirmed today, Friday, that the announcement by the National Oil Corporation to lift force majeure on oil fields and ports will positively affect the capacity of the public electricity network in all parts of Libya.

The company stated that the re-export will lead to the return of gas supplies to the power stations, especially in the eastern wing, which will improve the performance of the network by an important difference, noting that the resumption of oil exports will work for the network teams to return to operating the stations as soon as possible as soon as the export resumes.

Boumtari: savings of public expenditures exceeded 1 billion dinars in 2019

Amira Cherni

The Minister of Economy and Trade meets with the head of the Internal Security Agency to set a mechanism for controlling medicine prices

Amira Cherni

Figures of smuggled revenues and trade rose between Libya and Tunisia

Amira Cherni