Tabadul TV

Exclusive: Al-Ghwil Urges Central Bank to Implement Special Agenda to Curb Flawed State Agency Spending

Al-Ghwil Urges Central Bank to Address Flawed State Agency Spending and Implement Special Agenda for Fund Efficiency

The head of the Competition and Monopoly Prevention Council, appointed by the House of Representatives, Salama Al-Ghwil, said in a special statement to our source, that the spending of state agencies is seriously flawed in the truest sense of the word. It is evident to us as being unbalanced and not acceptable to sound financial judgment, as it does not consider a balance in the rights among the nation’s geographic components.

Al-Ghwil added that from a developmental perspective, weaknesses appear in setting priorities, which is a result of administrative and societal instability. It stems from a lack of a minimum sense of historical and national responsibility. With this flawed approach, matters become more complex, and hope diminishes in the institutions’ ability to fulfill their administrative, national, societal, and behavioral duties towards building and developing the nation. This is a genuine alarming indicator of the executive authority’s incompetence in fulfilling its duties, confirming the uncontrolled administrative behavior and the deliberate corruption of the government towards all these aspects, which can be assessed through the transparency emphasized by the Central Bank in publishing data.

He stressed during his statement that the Central Bank is required to implement a special agenda in reducing the waste of money in this way.

Al-Ghwil concluded his statement by saying, “I believe that the facts will be shocking if the financial statements are analyzed in their true form, and the beneficiaries are discussed, their implementation mechanisms, the extent of their waste, and the subordination of the parties that supervised the implementation of those expenses, as companies, institutions, or individuals.”

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