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EU renews call for end to Libya fighting

– The EU on Tuesday demanded an end to fighting in Libya and said it was “determined” to enforce a UN arms embargo on the North African country.

As defence ministers from the 27 EU countries held video talks on the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on European security, the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell renewed a call to halt fighting in Libya.

The EU’s new naval mission to block the flow of arms to Libya by sea got under way last week and Borrell, in a statement issued in the name of all 27 countries, vowed to make it work.

“The European Union remains determined to see the UN arms embargo in Libya fully respected,” he said.

He said further efforts were needed to “ensure the full and effective implementation” of the embargo, particularly through Libya’s land and air borders.

Operation Irini now has a French frigate patrolling the eastern Mediterranean to look for arms shipments, backed up by aerial and satellite surveillance.

Borrell said that in view of the escalating violence, the EU was renewing its call for a truce.

“The European Union demands that all parties act responsibly and immediately cease the fighting all over Libya,” he said in his statement.

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