During his meeting with the European Union Ambassador to Libya, Aqila Saleh confirms: « We reject foreign dictates and we want a prime minister for all Libyans »

The Speaker of the Representatives House, Aqila Saleh, confirmed during his meeting today, Wednesday, in his office in the city of Al-Qubbah, with the European Union Ambassador to Libya, Jose Sabadell, that the House of Representatives rejects external dictates and interference, in reference to the pressures on the Council for not choosing a new prime minister, saying: « We want a prime minister for all Libyans ».
Aqila Saleh added that the House of Representatives continues to consult with the State Council on a number of tracks, the most important of which is the process of amending the constitutional declaration and the new government, stressing its full support for the electoral process and holding elections as the best solution to the Libyan crisis after removing the obstacles presented by the High National Elections Commission.