Tabadul TV

Despite hardships, NOC distributes enough fuels for all Libyans.

Despite hardships and an illegal shut-down of many oil production and distribution facilities, NOC is still able to source and distribute enough fuels for all Libyans.

This includes the Eastern region, where NOC has sent approximately 700 thousand tonnes of fuels since the start of January to now.

NOC has spent over 300 million US dollars since the start of the blockade to purchase and transport fuels into Eastern Libya.

This includes approximately 20 legitimate shipments of fuel imports just for the Eastern region since the start of the blockade.

Oil and gas production in Libya have been consistently down. The current levels of production are 95,837 barrels a day, as of Sunday March 22, 2020. Forced restriction of production has resulted in financial losses exceeding 3,535,802,366 USD since January 17, 2020.

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