Dbeibeh: « The National Unity Government will continue its work until it is handed over to an elected authority, and I am ready to review my decision to run for the elections »

The Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, said in a recorded speech today, Tuesday, that the National Unity Government continues its work until the handover to an elected authority, and the dominant political class for years will not be allowed to return to monopolize the scene and tamper with our country and the future of our children again.
He added : « I announce it today that I will not allow new transitional stages and will not retreat from our role in the government that we pledged to the Libyan people until the elections are achieved », stressing that he is ready to review his decision to run for elections if it is for the benefit of the people and the country and if everyone pledges to take the same decision.
Dbeibeh indicated that he had started holding wide consultations to present a specific and accurate plan of action to implement the elections and the constitutional entitlement, which would start next June, the date granted to the executive authority according to the internationally approved political agreement in Geneva.