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Dbeibeh asks the Ministry of Finance to quickly implement the decision of supporting the National Oil Corporation

The Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, asked the Ministry of Finance to quickly implement Cabinet Resolution No. 384 of 2022 regarding supporting the National Oil Corporation and treating the Corporation and its subsidiaries a special treatment to contribute to increasing Libyan oil and gas production.

Dbeibeh said that the National Oil Corporation is the main supplier to the Libyan treasury by extracting and selling oil, which is the only source of oil.

He stressed the officials of the Ministry of Finance of the need to implement the program to support the National Oil Corporation smoothly and without putting bumps and obstacles, pointing to the importance of developing oil facilities and increasing Libyan production of crude oil to meet the needs of the global market, as well as exploiting our wealth and direct support for development.

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