Tabadul TV

Dbeibeh and Al-Kabeer discuss the observations of the Central Bank’s monthly report regarding the decline in the revenues of some government authorities

Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh and the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Seddiq Al-Kabir, held a meeting in the governor’s office to discuss government spending, increasing transparency in all government expenditures, and the observations of the Central Bank of Libya’s monthly report regarding the decline in the revenues of some government agencies such as the telecommunications sector and customs.” 

It was agreed on the necessity of working to provide the necessary needs of the citizens, provided that they are referred to the Central Bank in accordance with the necessary technical and legal procedures, and taking into account the observations received from the technical departments of the bank.

The Prime Minister also confirmed that the government is working on cooperation with the regulatory authorities and the Central Bank, to provide basic services to citizens, as well as working on transparency of government expenditures, and providing the necessary data for the issuance of the monthly report from the bank explaining all the information.

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