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Central Bank Denies Claims of Foreign Banks Halting Transactions and Vows to Restore Dinar’s Value

The administration of the Central Bank of Libya, appointed by the Presidential Council, has denied recent rumors circulating on some social media platforms about foreign banks ceasing transactions with the Central Bank. It clarified that these reports are misleading and baseless, aimed at harming the country’s economy.

The Central Bank reaffirmed its ongoing close communication with all its accredited correspondent banks abroad and that mutual procedures are proceeding normally, according to agreed-upon practices.

The bank reiterated that all its departments are operating normally and have started implementing its plan to resume operations after being halted by the previous administration. It has successfully reactivated and secured all electronic systems in the bank and paid the August salaries for all sectors across Libya, following the previous administration’s refusal to disburse them.

The Central Bank also clarified that it has reactivated the documentary credit system and prepared the personal purposes system for operation. It confirmed that it will intensify its efforts over the next week to restore the value of the Libyan dinar after it was weakened by illegal actions taken by the previous administration.

Additionally, the Central Bank of Libya emphasized that its relationship with foreign banks and institutions is governed by official agreements and international norms, which are not influenced by individuals. It reassured the public that its employees are working tirelessly and professionally to protect the banking sector, keeping it free from political interference.

The bank stressed the importance of verifying information from official sources and being cautious of fake news aimed at speculating on the value of the Libyan dinar and dragging the livelihoods of Libyans into the political conflict and questionable agendas.

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