Tabadul TV

Bliheg: « Today’s session concluded with a review of the regulatory bodies heads and their agents »

Parliament Spokesman Abdullah Bliheg revealed that today’s parliament session concluded with the formation of a committee in consultation with the State Council, with the majority of its members being experts and with specific conditions to submit a proposal to amend the constitutional declaration and refer it to the House of Representatives for a vote and adoption as a draft constitution and referral to the High National Commission to the elections for a referendum on it.

The session also concluded to reconsider the heads of the supervisory bodies and their agents and to call on the Finance Committee of the Council to refer the investment portfolios law as soon as possible, in addition to confirming that the General Secretary of the United Nations should stop foreign interference in Libyan affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should take the necessary measures to make the ambassadors of foreign countries respect the Libyan law and diplomatic norms.

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