Tabadul TV

Bashagha is following up the progress of the work of the local market prices monitoring committee

The Libyan Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Trade in charge of the government, Fathi Bashagha, followed up, during his meeting today, Monday, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Sirte, with the chairman and members of the Local Market Prices Monitoring Committee, the progress of the committee’s work and its previous meetings in monitoring prices.

The committee attributed the reason for the price discrepancy to the decisions of the Government of National Unity and the exploitation of its control over some municipalities by force and the monopoly of opening documentary credits to certain companies, which led to speculation in the prices of monopolized commodities, and the weak effectiveness of control by the competent agencies.

During the meeting, Bashagha stressed the importance of the committee’s work in monitoring the local market, stressing the need to reactivate the economy controls and to play an effective and supervisory role and communicate with the internal trade offices and the price unit in the controls.

The members of the committee presented some solutions that will contribute to lower prices, including the proposal to adopt the ration card for low-income people, reduce some customs duties for the prices of necessary commodities, and reactivate the itinerant license card.

Bashagha instructed the head of the Municipal Guard and the observers to start immediately following up on the prices in the local market and apprehending violators to limit the rise in some commodities. He also received all the proposals from the committee and instructed the specialists to study them.

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