Tabadul TV

Aoun calls on Al-Sour to intervene in cases against Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V

The Minister of Oil, Mohamed Aoun, issued a correspondance to the Attorney General, Seddiq Al-Sour regarding cases filed against the Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V., Libya branch.

A correspondence from Mohamed Shamaka included an oil expert who was charged with following up on the company’s issues, as his assignment had terminated. This termination came at a critical time that will not help the Libyan side in its position and may lead to the loss of cases and of millions of dollars.

The Minister of Oil, Aoun, called on the Attorney General of the pictures to intervene to preserve the rights of the Libyan state.

The Central Bank sets the official working hours for banks during the last week of Ramadan and the days of Eid Al-Fitr holiday

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The Central Bank says Libya’s NOC Concealed Billions of Dollars

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A face-to-face meeting to enhance cooperation between Libya and Tunisia in the border city of Ras Ajdir

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