Tabadul TV

Al-Zani: « The government’s spending on national celebrations is not a mistake, but a healthy phenomenon ».

The head of the Committee for Celebrations for the Eleventh Anniversary of the February 17th Revolution, Minister of Youth, Fathallah Al-Zani, said during a press conference held by the committee today, Wednesday, that it is not wrong for the government to spend on national celebrations, but on the contrary ; this is a healthy phenomenon and is considered a manifestation of strength and pride.

Al-Zani added that the celebrations committee did not exceed the hoped, acceptable and logical spending, noting that immediately after the celebration a press conference will be held to clarify and in detail the size of the spending that took place, whether at the central level and the amounts allocated in the framework of organization and preparation or at the local level and what was allocated to some municipalities of funds to organize the celebrations.

The Chairman of the Committee stressed that this spending is a correct matter and a healthy phenomenon, and that the logical matter is that the state spends to celebrate its national occasions out of respect for its people and respect for its history and national identity, stressing that disclosure will be made about the amounts allocated and the volume of spending from them, and all that will be spent will be in accordance with Documentary cycle and procedures that preserve public money.

A number of social networking sites have circulated during the past few days news about the amount of spending allocated by the National Unity Government to celebrate the anniversary of the February Revolution, and that the amount allocated for this exceeded 80 million dinars, which was neither confirmed nor denied by the head of the committee during his press conference.

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