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Al-Toumi and Al-Mabrouk discuss a date for the start of the implementation of maintenance projects for the electricity lines and stations of the municipality of Murzuq

The Higher Committee for the Return of Life, headed by the Minister of Local Government Badr Al-Din Al-Toumi and the membership of the Minister of Finance, Khaled Al-Mabrouk, of the National Unity Government, discussed with the Dean of the Municipality of Murzuq, the Council of Elders and notables, and the General Assembly of the City’s residents, the projects implemented by the government in the region, and setting a date for the launch of the implementation of projects Maintenance of power lines and stations for Murzuq.

Al-Toumi stressed the importance of uniting efforts in all files at the governmental, local and international levels, and the need to work on infrastructure projects, economic recovery, and the water and environment file to accelerate the return of normal work, including health, education, banking services, and others.

For his part, Al-Mabrouk indicated that the government will provide all necessary facilities for reconstruction in Murzuq and address the functional and financial conditions of the employees.

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