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Al-Sour Reviews Mechanisms Adopted by the Ministry of Economy and Trade to Regulate Economic Activities

During his meeting with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade, Suhail Abushiha, Attorney General Seddiq Al-Sour, reviewed the ministry’s work and examined the mechanisms adopted to regulate economic activities and align the business system in the country with the judicial system.

The meeting discussed decisions regulating commercial registry work, the decision to assign the Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade to manage the tasks of the commercial registry office, as well as regulations governing commercial agencies and trademarks. It also emphasized their compatibility with the judicial system according to the distribution of appellate circuits in Libya and their alignment with the spatial jurisdiction of each circuit.

The Attorney General was briefed on the plan to reorganize decisions regulating economic activities, prepared by the ministry to ensure objectivity and clarity in facilitating the issuance of documents for business practitioners. Additionally, mechanisms for regulating import and export operations were discussed to comply with the provisions of Law No. 23 of 2010 regarding commercial activities.

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