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Al-Sarraj: Khalifa Haftar is a “war criminal”

 In today’s participation in the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Fayez Al-Sarraj denounced the shelling of civilian areas and airports in his country, labeling “renegade” Khalifa Haftar a “war criminal” in a speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council.

“Children have lost their right to education due to the shelling and the closure of schools because of the attacker and those who fund the attacker and provide weapons, these must be held accountable,” Al-Sarraj said.

He also added that his government had “always showed its readiness to move forward on the path to peace and stability”.

It should be emphasized that the Human Rights session aims to highlight the latest developments in the Libyan crisis, and covers the violations have been documented regarding the attack on civilians mainly in Tripoli.

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