Al-Qayeb: « The increase in the salaries of university teachers will not be included in Law No. 4 of 2018 »

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Omran Al-Qayeb, said that a thousand university teachers are waiting for their rights to be delegated abroad, and this number is large. University teachers in the specialties in Libya will be issued internal dispatch decisions for them, and all those who cannot complete their studies will be dismissed.
He added by saying: « The increase in the salaries of university teachers will not be included in Law No. 4 of 2018, following the government’s instructions to exclude the segment of repeaters from the inclusion decision because their contracts are temporary, and employees will be paid according to the increase during the current month ».
He pointed out that the minimum work for a university teachers is only two years, and their number must be reduced and dismissed during the next period if they do not succeed in studying at home, as what caused the destruction of the university teacher’s job in Libya is the administrative corruption practiced by university presidents, by appointing large numbers of teaching assistants.
He continued by saying: « The problem of delayed salaries for university teachers and the non-disbursement of monthly rewards to them belongs to the administration of every university that is reluctant to provide services to its employees, and an electronic dispatch system will be established to organize the internal dispatch of university teachers and follow up on scholarships ».
University teachers studying at home are also entitled to free housing in youth hostels, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports. In addition to the budget of Libyan universities for internal delegation, it is disbursed from the Ministry of Finance on a regular basis, but a number of university officials do not spend it for the benefit of repeaters sent inside.
He stressed that it was the wars that disrupted the issuue of external delegation, and teaching assistants waited for 10 years to send, and universities did not find solutions for them except dismissal from work. If they are dismissed, they will not find another sector that includes them because of their age, and the specializations available in Libyan universities to which repeaters will be sent to study inside will be announced during this week.