Tabadul TV

Al-Mada Passengers Transport Company: “The company reached 14 buses in 2022 and is working on an international transport line for Tunisia and Egypt”

An employee at Al-Mada Passengers Transport Company, Mohamed Yousef Al-Hubeishi, stated today, Tuesday, that Al-Mada Company was established in the years 2019/2020. It started its work with only five buses, and it was the East-West link at the time when the coast was closed for years, and the trip would reach 23 hours.

The employee stated in a special statement to our source that the company has been distinguished by the latest model of buses and is fully equipped in providing services to passengers by providing food, drink and internet to relieve their fatigue.

Al-Hubeishi added that Al-Mada Company reached 14 buses in 2022 and operates internally throughout the country and internationally for Tunisia and Egypt.

Mohamed Al-Hubeishi explained that Al-Mada company was distinguished from others by canceling three seats from 50 to 47 to provide more space and comfort for passengers.

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