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Al-Huwaij Follows Up with the Head of the Municipal Guard on the Local Market Conditions and Commodity Prices

The Minister of Economy and Trade of the National Unity Government, Mohamed Al-Huwaij, discussed several issues directly affecting citizens during his meeting on Sunday with the Head of the Municipal Guard, Major General Rajab Qatusa. The main topics were the conditions of the local market and the prices of goods and services.

During the meeting, Al-Huwaij emphasized the necessity of regulating prices and setting a maximum selling price based on specific criteria and according to the price report and the variance rates prepared by the fieldwork team in the Internal Trade Administration, as well as in accordance with the decisions and laws. He stressed the need to impose strong and deterrent penalties on those who violate these decisions and laws.

Al-Huwaij pointed out the need to focus on controlling and regulating foreign labor in the local market, limiting their activities according to the decision he issued in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation and the Municipal Guard. He also highlighted the importance of working on qualifying and developing national cadres, enhancing their role in the local labor market, and organizing the import of goods and services according to the priorities and needs of the commercial markets to ensure competition and prevent monopolies.

The meeting was attended by the Director of the Inspection and Consumer Protection Department at the Ministry, the Acting Director of the Foreign Trade Department, the Director of the Legal Affairs Department, the Administration of Companies, the Internal Trade Administration, the Director of the Follow-up Office, the Director of the Women’s Support and Empowerment Office, and the Head of the Export and Import Department at the Ministry.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the attendees agreed on the necessity of supporting the private sector, including factory owners and farmers, to improve quality and increase production rates. They also agreed to invite major traders and owners of large manufacturing companies to discuss proper ways to prevent price monopolies, contributing to the development of the national economy, the local market, and exports to Arab and African markets.

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