Tabadul TV

Al-Huwaij discusses the mechanism for implementing the National Unity Government’s plan to replace fuel subsidies with cash support

Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohammed Al-Huwaij, held a meeting on Monday, attended by the ministry’s undersecretaries for commercial affairs and economic affairs, to discuss the challenges facing the economic and investment sectors. The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of the General Authority for Investment Encouragement and Privatization Affairs, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Libya Trade Network, the minister’s advisor, and the directors of departments and offices at the ministry.

The meeting, held at the ministry’s headquarters, discussed the procedures and steps taken, as well as the mechanism for implementing the National Unity Government’s plan to study and address the issue of fuel subsidies and replace them with cash support.

Al-Huwaij directed the formation of a technical committee comprising all relevant institutions to prepare a mechanism for replacing fuel subsidies with cash support, in accordance with the vision of the National Unity Government to improve service levels. He also emphasized the completion of the preparation of the 2030 Economic Diversification Strategy, in coordination with relevant government and academic institutions, and its submission to the Council of Ministers.

During the meeting, the progress made in the implementation stages of the ministry’s digital transformation plan and its affiliated entities was also reviewed. This includes activating the system for commercial trademarks and linking the commercial registry system with the civil registry and national identification system, in coordination with the General Authority for Information.

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