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Al-Bidja denies charges against him

During “Flusna”, a television programme broadcasted on WTV channel and Tabadul Platform, Abdurahman Milad, also known as al-Bidja, has denied the charges against him.

For instance, Milad denied the UN security report published in June 2017 that described al-Bija as a bloodthirsty human trafficker responsible for the shootings at sea and suspected of drowning dozens of people.

The report also identified Mohamed Kashlaf, also known as al-Qasseb, along with “the human smuggler” Ahmed Dabbashi, also known as Al-Ammu.

“Abd al Rahman al-Milad heads the regional unit of the Coast Guard in Zawiya that is consistently linked with violence against migrants and other human smugglers. The UN Panel of Experts claims that Milad, and other coastguard members, are directly involved in the sinking of migrant boats using firearms. Al-Milad collaborates with other migrant smugglers such as Mohammed Kachlaf (also proposed for listing) who, sources suggest, is providing protection to him to carry out illicit operations related to the trafficking and smuggling of migrants. Several witnesses in criminal investigations have stated they were picked up at sea by armed men on a Coast Guard ship called Tallil (used by al-Milad) and taken to the al-Nasr detention centre, where they are reportedly held in brutal conditions and subjected to beatings.”

“In 2015 and 2016, malicious reports were filed by enemies of Al-Zawia and people who were against my activities at sea,” he said, adding that he respects the Security Council and calling at the same time to prove these accusations before listing them them in the UN reports.

Abdulrahman explained that every ship caught by the Coast Guard has a story, stressing that he arrested many ships, and despite the offers of bribes, he confirmed that he did not take any penny during his entire career.

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