Tabadul TV

Ahmed Al-Dayekh reveals corruption and bribery cases within the Audit Bureau

In a televised interview for Libyan WTV channel yesterday, the head of the media bureau in the Audit Bureau, Ahmed Al-Dayekh, has revealed corruption and bribery cases for an official working within the Audit Bureau itself.

Ahmed Al-Dayekh said that the Audit Bureau had frozen the financial accounts of Matouk Ali Matouk, the person involved in the corruption case, while the investigation is ongoing, adding that Matouk had been dismissed from his post.

“We have sent the investigation results to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to end the immunity of the Audit Bureau employee involved in the corruption case and to get the go-ahead to probe him for it.” The Audit Bureau said, adding that for the greater good of the country, the details of the case will be revealed once the Public Prosecutor’s Office concludes the case.

“Nobody is above the law. Anyone involved in corruption in Libya shall be held accountable for it.” The Audit Bureau added.

For his part, Matouk Ali Matouk denied being involved in suspicions of corruption and bribes, asserting that he has never received bribes.

Moreover, he has denied the news circulated on social media pages that said a senior Audit Bureau official had disappeared after he had received a bribery of millions of dollars by a state financial entity in Libya for his coverup of delicate violations.

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